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GamingX focuses on community development and empowerment, It works to create play spaces and active urban places that are accessible and inclusive for all members of the community, especially marginalized groups.
Our mission is to facilitate community development and empowerment by focusing on creating accessible and inclusive play spaces and active urban places. Through our work, we aim to provide marginalized groups with opportunities for social inclusion, community engagement, and the promotion of gender equity and social justice in the built environment.
Our vision is to create cities where all community members, especially marginalized groups, have access to inclusive and empowering play spaces and active urban places. We envision vibrant and diverse communities where individuals can freely express themselves, engage in play, and shape their environments according to their unique needs and experiences
Places about co-creation and designed by people of all ages and backgrounds. With this mindset, we would fundamentally change our communities and collectively impact our planet & health. Join Us to know more about Placemaking as a tool for sustainable Urbanism for better futures.
Understanding and embracing neurodiversity in #communities, #schools, #workplaces and in the #built #environment can improve #inclusivity for all #people. Creating an environment that is helpful to neurodiversity and recognises everyone’s strengths and talents while also providing support for their differences and needs.
GamingX was pleased to have had the opportunity to engage in a discussion about neurodivergence and neurocapabilities with brilliant city makers experts and their personal experiences in designing for neurocapabilities needs to provide valuable insights into how we can create more inclusive and accessible spaces for all individuals.
Let's reimagine our streets as vibrant spaces for people! Pedestrianizing our streets creates safer, more accessible, and inclusive environments for everyone. It's time to prioritize walkers, cyclists, and community life over cars.
Superillas are reclaiming public areas for walking, green spaces, and community activities, superillas breathe life into our neighborhoods, fostering social interaction, and creating healthier, more sustainable cities